Adamya Ayurveda is a centre for complete ayurveda
solution, with our two full-fledged presently functioning centers at Hoskote and Bannerghatta road , Bangalore.
we are committed to bring you the best of authentic ayurveda
in its most affordable , reachable and effective form. By
complete solution we mean to attend all the three important divisions of
CURATIVE – we provide effective treatment for
a very wide range of health problems from common cold to asthma, muscular pains
to severe and chronic joints pain like
arthritis, cosmetic concerns
like hair fall, acne, obesity, loss of skin tone and many more.
Health conditions like hypertension and diabetes can b supported and
treated better with ayurveda.
Reach us with any health problem to know an ayurvedic solution for it.
PREVENTIVE –With the following unique concepts
of ayurveda ,
- Prakruti analysis
- Seasonal changes and its effect on body(RITUCHARYA)
- Food habits
- Work regimens ,
We can predict the forthcoming health problems to certain extent and
these can be prevented well before its manifestation and health can be preserved with simple
therapies and regimens.
With awareness of ayurveda we can definitely say “Prevention is better
then cure”.
–Due to our changed modern lifestyle we can see
early wear and tear of our body and
mind , like early osteoporosis, loss of hair, muscle wasting , decreased performance of sense organs , stress, etc .
Ayuveda offers
unique and effective therapies to rejuvenate body and mind. Take advantage of our special Rasayana therapies to slow down the process of ageing (vayasthapana
effect ) .